The Lui Hospital (Health Sciences Institute) is, besides the hospital in the capital Juba, the only major hospital in the east of South Sudan. African Mission, together with Pixel Creation, has created a website for this important hospital.
Health Sciences Institute of Lui
The Lui Hospital (Health Sciences Institute) is, besides the hospital in the capital Juba, the only major hospital in the east of South Sudan. African Mission, together with Pixel Creation, has created a website for this important hospital. The logo and corporate identity were also developed by Pixel Creation.
You can hardly imagine it in the Western world. A hospital without qualified doctors. An eye clinic without good lights or a delivery room without diapers. African Mission was able to realize the water supply in the past year. A water well with pipelines and a solar energy pumping installation. And since February 1, 2024, it also has its own website
Contact with Christian aid organizations
For the time being, much more is needed than just a new website, but through this new website aid organizations from all over the world can contact the hospital’s CUAMM staff. Christian aid organizations from the United States and the United Kingdom in particular will now be kept informed of how the hospital can be most helped.
Exchange of medical information
The website is also very important for exchanging information about disease outbreaks and epidemics. Currently, all information is still shared via paper documents. Once a month, the documents are taken to the hospital in the capital Juba for further processing. Exchanging files can now be done via the new website. The savings in time and costs benefit the care provided to patients.
With this project we hope to make a positive contribution to the functioning of this important hospital in Lui, Mundri County, South Sudan.