Frequently asked questions
Here you can find all our frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed? Please contact us and we will be happy to talk to you.
With your donation we support small-scale projects in South Sudan and Uganda. The focus is clearly on South Sudan. Our project managers are exclusively people from the direct environment of the projects. Both project managers and board members from the Netherlands are volunteers, they are unpaid and only receive expenses based on declarations.
Since January 2023 we can travel reasonably safely to visit our projects in South Sudan. Traveling by road between the places is not recommended. Because we are always guests and do not drive ourselves, we can stay safely in South Sudan. Unfortunately, the situation is not as safe as it was before the 2013 civil war, but our local guides and hosts always keep a close eye on the situation.
Chairman: Jaap Huisman (Pijnacker – the Netherlands)
Secretary: Ikhlas Abdelrahman (The Hague – the Netherlands)
Treasurer: Jaco van Maaren (Arnhem – the Netherlands)
Volunteer: Jeannet van Maaren-Kroek (Arnhem – the Netherlands)