Pietro Boschetti Primary School
The school was named after the husband (Pietro) of the main sponsor (Annemarie Boschetti). Both Pietro and Annemarie have sadly passed away. Construction was coordinated by SWCC.
Our inspection of the building in February 2023 revealed that there are some issues that need to be addressed urgently to prevent further damage.
The construction of the Lui Parish Church has been fully financed and completed in the past. It is a large church in Lui, Mundri County, South Sudan. At the time, various campaigns were set up for funding; participation in fairs and events.
Our inspection of the building in February 2023 revealed that there are some issues that need to be addressed urgently to prevent further damage. Some construction defects have been discovered in the roof and a crack has also appeared in one of the walls.
Do you want to donate for this project? Your help is desperately needed to make repairs to the building so that the community of Lui can continue to use this beautiful church in the coming years.
Begroting voor dit project: USD 3.000